Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 8:51 pm Friday, November 3, 2023

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To people who work in hospice care.

November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, and we’d like to shine a lot on those who work in this field and who provide this important care to people in the community.

These individuals work with people who are in the final stages of life and are focused on ensuring comfort and quality of life for their patients.
Thank you for your kindness and dedication to these people and for all you do to help make a difference in these lives and the lives of their families.

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To Freeborn County dispatcher Lisa Rippentrop.

Congratulations to longtime Freeborn County Dispatcher Lisa Rippentrop, who this week was recognized with the 2023 First Responder of the Year Award for public safety telecommunicators.

Rippentrop, who has worked in Freeborn County for almost 30 years, was nominated for the award by her supervisor following an emergency in Albert Lea earlier this year.

We thank her for her calm demeanor and quick action, which in this instance and we’re sure many others, has made the difference in saving lives.

We also thank the Minnesota 100 Club, which made the recognition, and also recognize the good work of this organization in providing financial aid to family members of first responders who are killed or seriously injured in the line of duty.

To the kickoff of the 2024 deer season.

The first weekend in November is always a busy one for this part of the state, as it is the firearms hunting opener.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ wildlife managers have reported that there should be good opportunities to harvest deer in most areas as deer populations are increasing in southern Minnesota.

To those who plan to venture out this year, we encourage safety first and foremost and hope people will use the time as a chance to spend outdoors with friends and family and to find new adventures.

To the young entrepreneurs rising up in the community.

We’ve heard of several young entrepreneurs who have stepped up in the last few months to start new businesses, and it couldn’t be more exciting to see their enthusiasm.

In Albert Lea, we’ve seen a new dog groomer, a new owner for a longtime salon and a new bin retail store, among others.

New entrepreneurs bring new ideas and a new sense of purpose, and we hope their endeavors pay off.

Thank you for giving Albert Lea a shot and for bringing opportunities to the community. We hope local residents support these opportunities and make the services something that sticks around for many years to come.