April Jeppson: The difference between resolutions and goals

Published 8:45 pm Friday, December 29, 2023

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

Tis the season for resolutions and goals. I actually had to look up the difference between the two words. When people are discussing the new year, they tend to use these words interchangeably.

April Jeppson

A resolution is a statement of what you want to change. A goal is a statement of what you want to achieve, the steps you need to take to achieve it and when you want to achieve it.

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It’s the difference between wanting a higher balance in your savings account and figuring out that you want to contribute $50 from each paycheck next year.

To me, a resolution is almost a wish. It’s hopeful. It is the recognition that something needs to be done differently and then making a proclamation that you’re going to make changes. It’s empowering. When you make a resolution, especially a New Year’s resolution, you don’t go into it thinking you’ll fail.

You’re making a promise to yourself to do better this year.

Goals aren’t as warm and fuzzy. When you set a goal, there are parameters that help you gauge your success. These same parameters also help you gauge your shortcomings. A quality goal will be achievable as long as consistent effort is applied over a set period of time. There’s almost a scientific formula for it.

I make resolutions to do better in various areas of my life throughout the year. Usually these are preceded by revelations I’ve had about myself and the way I do things. When I realized I was overextending myself, I made a resolution to say “no” more often. When I realized I was more concerned about the happiness of others than I was about my own happiness, I resolved to create healthy boundaries.

I set goals for myself all the time. You’ve even been privy to some of these micro goals. I know this summer I set a goal to eat more ice cream one weekend. I definitely don’t need to up my ice cream intake all year, but for that moment in time, it was imperative.

Although I don’t require a new year to make positive changes, I do require some quiet time. I need to step back and reflect. A day or two away from my normal routine allows my mind a chance to slow down. Then I can more clearly see the areas I need to focus on. When I’ve reached that level of clarity, it’s easy for me to see what I need to change.

So although I don’t have a set resolution going into the weekend, I’m confident that this upcoming year will be just fine. I will continue to struggle in some areas and soar in others. I will have friends go to the end of the earth for me and find out that not everything is meant to last forever. OK, who am I kidding.

I resolve to eat more ice cream in 2024.

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams. Her column appears every Saturday.