Letter: Do we have the courage to stand tall?

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, December 5, 2023

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The barbaric attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas and the following worldwide antisemitic demonstrations were a planned and well coordinated effort to turn the world’s opinion against Israel. Hamas is winning the propaganda war and the media is complicit. The question that needs to be answered is who’s coordinating and funding these protests?

Hamas terrorists are not “Freedom Fighters” as portrayed; they are sadistic, bloodthirsty barbarians waging their version of Jihad against the Jewish people.

Israel’s population was 9 million on Oct. 7. Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. America’s population is 340 million, 38 times Israel. Such an attack here would kill 45,000 Americans. The question is not “if” but “when.”

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America’s response to such an attack should be swift and brutal. But would it be? Bleeding heart liberal politicians will demand that any response must be measured, and civilians must be protected at all costs, even if terrorists and civilians are indistinguishable one from another.

To better understand antisemitism, I suggest you Google “History of Antisemitism.”

Jews were enslaved and persecuted by ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires.

Christians, especially Catholics, have a long, violent history of antisemitism.

Jews are blamed for the crucification of Christ.

Jews were targeted during the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades.

Jews were blamed for causing the plague.

Jews have been blamed for economic collapses and wars. Jews have been persecuted, enslaved, killed and exiled from country after country for several millennium.

Six million Jews were slaughtered during the Holocaust.

During World War II a ship filled with Jewish refugees trying to escape Germany’s death camps was refused asylum by President Roosevelt and sent back for certain execution.

With the rise of radical sects of Islam supported by Iran, Jews became subjected to a new level of visceral hatred. Young children within these sects are taught that Jews are their mortal enemy and must be annihilated.

Schools, especially universities, have been infiltrated by antisemitic, socialist, Marxist, anti-Christian instructors often sympathetic to the cause of Islam. For decades our youth have been indoctrinated with the philosophy that Jews are responsible for everything that ails the world.

Radical Muslims are determined to convert or subjugate the world. Their goal is with-in reach in several European countries. When Iranians chant “Death to America” they are serious, willing to die for their cause. Most Muslim countries refuse to admit refuges from Gaza because of their radical philosophies.

Imagine the repercussions if the current antisemitic demonstrations were anti-black.

Why aren’t our elected leaders speaking out more forcefully on behalf of Israel, our only ally in the Middle East? By their silence they are complicit.

I do not consider myself anti-Islamic, but we are witnessing a war of cultures; Islam and a free society are not compatible. Islam is a theocratic based religion that does not assimilate well.

Terrorist attacks must be met with overwhelming strength; attempts at appeasement only serve to encourage. My response would be the same if a radical group of White Supremacists posing as Christians massacred Muslim civilians. Evil is evil!

Don Sorensen
Albert Lea