Letter: Hoffman obfuscates for Congressman Finstad’s myopia

Published 8:30 pm Friday, December 8, 2023

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In his “My Point of View,” Mr. Hoffman states: “The U.S. has spent $76.8 billion in aid so far to Ukraine.” That is correct. Although most of it has been military aid, some economic and humanitarian aid (such as demining of the mine fields left by the Russians) has also been sent. But what kind of military aid has been sent? It may surprise most people that much of this military aid has been from stockpiles of old and degrading munitions and equipment that we, as taxpayers, have been paying for decades to be stored. Eventually, we would have to spend even more taxpayer money to dispose of these munitions and equipment as they turn obsolete. A perfect example are the cluster munitions. The U. S. has stated it would never use these cluster munitions. Yet, we have plenty in storage. Sending them to Ukraine is a win-win. As taxpayers, we win because we are no longer on the hook to dispose of them, and Ukraine wins because they get effective munitions to use on the battlefield. Russians have been using cluster munitions on Ukrainian civilians since the first day of their brutal, illegal and immoral war of aggression. Conveniently, Mr. Hoffman also fails to mention that a substantial portion of this military aid will have to be repaid by Ukraine through the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act.

Therefore, we should actually be sending more military aid to Ukraine. Ukraine is an ally of the U.S. Russia is our enemy. Unfortunately, our Congressman Brad Finstad does not understand this simple concept. If Russia wins in Ukraine, Putin has stated that the Baltics and Poland are next. This will involve NATO and the U.S. Does our congressman really want our troops fighting and dying in Europe? Similarly, Russia’s war of aggression will encourage aggression from other autocratic countries such as China. Does Congressman Finstad want us in a war with China when it sees us abandon Ukraine and interprets it as open season on Taiwan?

I contacted Congressman Finstad. He gives lip service to the Ukrainian people but then votes against any assistance for Ukraine. By not supporting Ukraine, Congressman Finstad is recklessly supporting the dictator Putin and helping Russia win their immoral war. If you believe Ukraine should remain a free democracy, please contact Congressman Brad Finstad and ask him to support Ukraine.

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