Letter: The latest on Trump

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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Have you heard what Trump’s latest prediction is that he will do if he is elected? He says he will become a dictator for a day and shut down that border. That is just like his prediction was when he ran before. He said he was going to build a wall on that border and make Mexico pay for it. It was surprising how many weak-minded voters swallowed that barf. All of us with common sense knew that was never going to happen. Mexico enjoys all those American dollars that are sent back to Mexico. This is why Trump is so popular. He puts false hope into weak-minded people’s minds. There is no hope of those illegal aliens to stop wanting to come here. There are no jobs in their country, and this country is begging for more workers. They will stop coming when the jobs run out. Trump can get away with all of his transgressions as long as he keeps putting false hopes in those weak minds that voted for him. Try to talk common sense with one of these weak-minded Trumpsters. It’s like talking to a wall. They are so brainwashed. They give him a go even after he incited that attack on our capitol Jan. 6. Fox News said they were nothing but a bunch of tourists. Trump says he is going to pardon anyone that is convicted for anything they did that day. Why would he do this if he didn’t cause it? Please remember this. I am still bragging. I didn’t vote for Trump.

Wayne Thorson
Albert Lea

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