Sarah Stultz: Want to give back? Join a service club

Published 8:45 pm Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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Nose for News by Sarah Stultz

I’ve written about my Kiwanis club before, but after an event with the club tonight, I can’t help but write about it again.

I joined the Albert Lea Noon Kiwanis Club in 2015 after becoming editor of the Tribune. My predecessor had been a part of the club during his time in the community, and after he left for another opportunity, another member in the club invited me to be a part of it in his place.

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At that time, I was not new to town, but I was new in my leadership role and looking for more ways to network and become more involved in the community. It seemed like a great opportunity.

From the beginning, my employer has paid for my membership dues and meals, so it made it easy for me to be a part of the club and attend the weekly meetings.

I quickly learned, however, that the club is more than just its weekly meetings, and that our members are involved in numerous efforts of good in the community

Some of the efforts that I have particularly enjoyed over the years are a book program in which we go out and read to all pre-K and kindergarten students in the Albert Lea, Alden-Conger and Glenville-Emmons school districts and leave books for the children to take home and keep.

We also go into the schools and meet with all the fifth-grade students three times a year to encourage them in their goals and share the good work we do in the community.

We host events and drives to collect money for efforts that support children and families, including scholarships, sponsoring less fortunate families and most recently initiatives such as the inclusive playground.

While my favorite thing about the club is participating in giving back to the community, one of my other favorite things about the club is the people I have met and the friendships I have formed.

This club has supported me since I have been a part of it, through highs and lows of life, including the death of my daughter, and for that I will always be grateful.

All of the service clubs will meet in Albert Lea on Thursday for the annual All-Club Service Luncheon, and I’m excited to be in a room with the other clubs in the community and hear about all the good things they are doing to help others.

The reason I say all of this is because our club and other service clubs in the community are always looking for new members. We’d love to grow the amount of good we can do in the community.

If you are an individual or corporation looking for ways to give back, I ask that you consider joining a service club.

The opportunity will not only give you the chance to provide service, but it will also give you the opportunity to meet some amazing people who are striving to better the community.

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Wednesday.