Letter: Why does Trump want to be president again?

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, January 23, 2024

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Have you ever wondered why Trump wants to be president again? I will tell you. He wants to do it for all the money he will make while being president. No other president ever made as much money while they were president than Trump.

How did he do it? I will tell you. There were between 20 and 30 foreign embassies that came to Washington during his reign. When they came here they needed somewhere to stay. You guessed it. They stayed at Trump’s D.C. hotels. Now you know they brought their whole staff with them, including all their guards. I would guess that would be at least 100 people. And you just know they didn’t eat at McDonald’s. I am sure they ordered blue ribbon T-bone steaks.

Trump got a lot of weak-minded voters to vote for him because he said if he was elected he wouldn’t take any salary. He didn’t, but he made more on one weekend from all these foreign dignitaries than he would have made on all four years as president if he would have taken a salary. I would bet it will go down in history that telling the voters that he wasn’t going to take any salary if he was elected president was the least money spent on a campaign and produced the most votes from some weak-minded voters to vote for him.

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The salary that he would have gotten was just chump change compared to what he made from those hotels because he was president. Now he thinks because he hasn’t admitted he lost the election, he is immune to prosecution. Can you believe it? Those Trumpsters still stick with him. It is hard to believe there are so many weak-minded voters in this world who can’t think for themselves. They need someone like Trump to tell them how and what to think. I am still bragging. I didn’t vote for Trump.

Wayne Thorson
Albert Lea