Star Class: Empowering education

Published 8:00 pm Friday, February 2, 2024

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Teacher leads the way with IXL for student-led data tracking

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, one standout star is illuminating the path towards innovative and effective teaching methods. Graden Anderson is a dedicated math teacher at Hawthorne Elementary School, who has seamlessly integrated IXL, a powerful online learning platform, to engage his students in student-led data tracking, specifically tailored to the Minnesota math standards and our EnVisions curricular resource.

Anderson’s classroom has become a hub of excitement and enthusiasm for mathematics, where students actively participate in tracking their own progress and proficiency. The beauty of this approach lies in its ability to empower students, allowing them to take ownership of their learning journey.

One of the key highlights of Anderson’s approach is the alignment of IXL with the Minnesota math standards. This strategic integration ensures that students are not only meeting but exceeding the established benchmarks. As they work through the interactive exercises on IXL, Anderson’s students are not merely checking off tasks; they are gaining a deep understanding of mathematical concepts that will serve as a solid foundation for their academic journey.

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What sets Anderson’s approach apart is his commitment to using the data generated by IXL for personalized, timely interventions. By closely monitoring each student’s progress, he can identify areas of strength and areas that may require additional support. This enables him to tailor his teaching strategies to meet the individual needs of each student effectively.

The impact of Anderson’s method is not just seen in test scores but in the confidence and enthusiasm his students exude when tackling math problems. The use of IXL for student-led data tracking has transformed the classroom into a collaborative space where learning is a shared journey.

Anderson is not just teaching math; he is fostering a love for learning that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on his students’ academic journeys.