Letter: Information about Biden

Published 8:30 pm Friday, April 19, 2024

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Biden’s green new deal has caused national electricity costs to go up 29.4% since January 2021.

Biden’s plan to hire thousands of new IRS employees and go after the rich is not going very well, according to the IRS watchdog , the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Sixty-three percent of the audits were for taxpayers with income of less than $200,000 and 80% of taxpayers with income of $1 million or less. This is after the Democrats fueled $80 billion to the IRS.

Biden wants to form Climate Corps to employ 1.5 million over five years, to train them to learn how to install electric heat pumps, solar panels, EV charger and pollution monitoring equipment, fight forest fires, do wellness checks on the elderly during heat waves and to help communities develop disaster plans.

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According to the Federal Register there are 438 U.S. government agencies and sub agencies. Do we need to keep adding more government?

The Biden Administration last month gave indirect funding to Intel, the chip maker — $8.5 billion (I thought Capitalist America private industry funded themselves?)

Biden now has to use a cheat sheet when he is meeting with officials from other countries.

Biden policies have allowed 10 million illegal immigrants to come in since 2020. We had 10 million in all the years before so he has doubled it.

Just some facts the liberal media does not share with the American voter!

Russel E. Tordoff