Letter: Support creation of health care commission

Published 8:30 pm Friday, April 26, 2024

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No matter your political view, everyone needs medical care. Coming up in the Minnesota Legislature is a bill aimed at lowering costs for patients, but the people voting for this need to hear from us.

People in Freeborn County need health care; we need a voice in our access to health care. Sen. Murphy and Rep. Pursell are pushing a bill that begins to protect and restore health care in rural Minnesota. This bill will establish a commission to travel the state and gather stories about our current state health care system. The information gathered will inform the commission study of why so many Minnesotans cannot afford to get sick or hurt no matter what type of insurance they have. The commission’s study will also inform us why rural health services are shrinking when so much money is being poured into health care from our state government.

We know how much the state pays health care entities to provide care, but we have no way of knowing how much money goes to people who really need care and how much is eaten up by company overhead and CEOs.

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The commission’s work is discovery. We cannot fix a system that we do not understand. Please let Peggy Bennett and Gene Dornink know you want them to support this commission creation.

David Larson