Letter: Celebrating the power of community volunteering

Published 8:30 pm Friday, May 17, 2024

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Here’s me applauding our community for seeing the value in volunteering to make it a better place! The answer to how does a community strive better and become a more welcoming, beautiful and fun place to live and work, is in its residents ability to see their power. In giving your time and effort into your community, you help create and strengthen it for the present and the future. Whether it’s volunteering to help plant our downtown flower pots, which we had last weekend, now get to watch the growing all season long spread joy to everyone who comes downtown. Or whether it’s volunteering to help with an event to ensure the event or program can continue and sustain. Ensuring it’s not just resting in one person’s hands, but that it’s carried wholly and successfully due to many helping hands. I look forward to another season of when Albert Lea really shines, our festival season. It’s when everyone gets out of their homes, gathers together to enjoy yummy food, good music and great conversation. Sometimes it’s easy to get sucked down in the “us vs. them” mentality, but this summer take a little moment when you’re at your favorite event, or even helping at an event, to see that it’s really working together that moves the needle forward. Choose finding unity in the community — we will all be better for it! If you are looking to volunteer or help with any of our community projects or events, please reach out to me at Holly@explorealbertlea.com. Help build a better Albert Lea!

Holly Babcock
executive director
Albert Lea Convention and Visitors Bureau

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