5.20.24 MINUTES

Published 4:32 pm Monday, June 10, 2024


Albert Lea, Minnesota
Monday, May 20, 2024 Summary of School Board Minutes

The School Board of Independent School District 241 met in a regular session on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Brookside Education Center, 211 West Richway Drive, Albert Lea, MN. School Board members present: Kim Nelson, Gary Schindler, Bruce Olson, Neal Skaar, Angie Hoffman, and Davy Villarreal. School Board member absent: Dave Klatt. Administrator present Superintendent Ron Wagner.
•Motion to approve agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0
•Motion to approve consent items as presented. Motion carried 6-0
•Reports presented by Superintendent Wagner, Board members Olson, Villarreal, Skaar, Hoffman, Schindler, Nelson, Klatt given by Nelson, teacher representative Amber Yost
•Credit Recovery and Summer Programming Options items discussed through a PowerPoint by Johanna Thomas and John Double
•National Publications presentation from Erin Brackey and Angie Zoller Barker.
•Motion to adjourn the meeting Motion carried 6-0
Adjourned at 5:48 p.m.
Darci Rasmussen, Deputy Clerk
The above is an unofficial summary of the meeting proceedings. Complete approved minutes are available at www.alschools.org and available in the Superintendent’s Office, 211 West Richway Drive.

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Albert Lea Tribune:
June 8, 2024
5.20.24 MINUTES