Letter: Thanks for those who helped with book sale

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, June 4, 2024

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Friends of the Albert Lea Public Library recently had their spring book sale from May 16 to May 18. This was a highly attended and successful event. All of us on the board would like to thank everyone from the surrounding areas who came and purchased books. To all library personnel, board members and our bookstore volunteers, a huge thank you for an outstanding job!

Two new signs placed in the downtown area helped to make our sale more visible. Thank you Kent Rahn for making these.

We were also very fortunate to have a group of veterans, once again, pick up any unsold books and then deliver them to the DAV in the Twin Cities, where proceeds go back to veterans.

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We thank these veterans for their help and their service to our country.

Hope to see you all at the next book sale this coming fall.

Sue Erickson
Board member
Friends of the Albert Lea Public Library