
Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 3, 2016

First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. March 9 in Bethany Hall. Prelude music was provided by Joan Holt.

After the welcome by Co-president Janice Lestrud, Phyllis Hamborg gave devotions based on Isaiah 40:31, “God will renew our strength,” and the group recited the First Lutheran Church Women Purpose Statement.

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Kim Zenk presented the program on her trip to Paraguay. She and her husband, Steve, volunteered to go on the mission trip for Habitat for Humanity Paraguay last August. During their 10-day stay in a remote part of the country, which was very poor, they helped build cisterns and six brick homes. According to the couple, the people were so friendly and grateful. Zenk left the group with the question, “What is God calling you out to today?”

Lestrud conducted the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed with a motion by Nancy Jenson and second by Bonnie Trampel. Treasurer Virginia Hermanson gave the treasurer’s report. The 2015 audit has been completed.

Correspondence secretary Trampel had received thank yous from Peace and Power and from the Radio Fund. The Bibles for the World report will be placed in the library. Trinity Lutheran Church Women have extended an invitation to attend their spring luncheon at noon April 6. The program will be Music and Ministry by Jeff Buege.

There was no old business.

The Blue Earth River Spring Conference will be from 9 to 10:30 a.m. April 9 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Alden with coffee and registration at 8 a.m. The theme is Our Hands, God’s Work in the World.

The hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” was sung during the offering. Hamborg read “In the Tomb” by Daphne Hamborg for the offering prayer.

Lestrud thanked ushers Donna Ludtke and Cheryl Moran; greeters Helen Lovik and Gen Montei; hostessess co-chairwomen Lorraine Fjelstad and Helene Westrum and their committeee of Susan Hohansee, Marilyn Moe and Karen Westrum.

Co-chairwomen Barb Andersen and Janice Tukua and their committee served three funerals in February.

The Holy Week schedule included 9:30 a.m. coffee time and 10:30 a.m. Communion service on Maudy Thursday. Special guests were homebound and shut-in residents, but all were welcome.

Worship services were at 7 p.m. on Good Friday.

On Resurrection Sunday there was a 6 a.m. sunrise service and Communion. There was an egg bake breakfast from 6:45 to 10 a.m. in Bethany Hall. This was a fundraiser to help support youth going on a Bible conference trip to Cincinnati this summer. At 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. there wasfestive worship services and Communion.

The meeting was closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer and singing the table prayer.


Ascension Lutheran Church Women

Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America held its regular meeting at 10:15 a.m. March 13 following worship services. Co-president Lola Evans opened with devotions and conducted the business meeting.

The secretary’s report was read by Lorraine Schaper and approved.

Committee reports were given. Alice Jensen, Mission in Action, reported they have two graduation quilts left to complete. When completed, the group will have seven quilts for graduating seniors of Ascension. More quilters are always welcome. Quilters meet at 1 p.m. every Thursday.

Mission in Community, Lynn Hestness, will take care of Easter cards.

Doris Guenthner reported on the project of rolling bandages for Global Health Ministry. Volunteers came at 9 a.m. March 1 and March 8. The group thanked those who came as they completed five boxes of rolled bandages which were 2 inches and 4 inches in size.

A motion was made and approved to schedule guest night at 6 p.m. Aug. 16 with a program at 7 p.m. Evans will confirm the entertainment program. The group thanked Jane Pearson who volunteered to head up setting up guest night as she had last year as well.

Alice Jensen reminded members that next Sunday is the last Sunday for donations for items to be sent to those serving in the military.

Fellowship Hall has been reserved for today for the 50th anniversary of Bill and Marilyn Danielsen.

Women of the ELCA Blue Earth River Conference Spring Event will be at Saturday at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Alden with registration/coffee from 8 to 9 a.m. The theme of the event is Our Hands, God’s Work in the World. The event will go from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration is $5 per person.

The next meeting of Ascension Lutheran Church Women will be April 10 following church services.

The Ascension Aebleskiver Supper will be from 4 to 6:30 p.m. April 17.

The meeting closed with prayer.