Letters to Santa
Click here for a form to send your letter to Santa, or e-mail santa@albertleatribune.com
Dear Santa,I’ve been a good boy. I really hope I get some good presents.
I really want for xmas is pillow pet pequin, a xbox 360, and one more thing, xbox game call of Duty black ops.
Thank you. I’ll have Milk and coolies waiting for you,
Tyler Voshell Hall, 6 ___________________________ Dear Santa~
I want some new markers and new polish (nail polish) and some gum, because I ran out of my gum from last year. And some new stickers and some m&m’s. Thank you! Jaylee Schleicher, 4
___________________________ Dear Santa, I look forward to your visit this year. I have baked some yummy cookies for you. I keep wondering if my gifts will be big. I got a skateboard this summer, and I need help. Can you give me some tips? I know that you are magic, and probably know how to ride a skateboard. Carma Pederson, 10
___________________________ Dear Santa,
I hope you have a very good Christmas. I like the snow. Have a good time at the North Pole. I would lie a green lantern jet and some beyblades. A. Thorson, 5
___________________________ Dear Santa,
I would like a new bed, a flash light, a book light, a solar system light, a telescope and Legos. J Thorson, 8
___________________________ Dear Sanata, I would like you to bring me my brother Blaze to see me and more trucks and cars. And a 4-wheeler, and more Disney cars stuff for my room. I will leave you a cookie and some milk. Thank you, Spencer, 1 ___________________________ Dear Santa, I love cars and balls. I miss my gramma sue and papa rich. I’m in florida and won’t get to see snow, will you send some down for me? Mason Atchley, 1 ___________________________ I want make-up, a baby, a doggy, a turtle and a baby rattle.
Thank you. Jaelyn Boss, 3 1/2 ___________________________ Dear Santa, I would like a Fushigi a baby live, go go dog, Nintendo DSi and Nintendo games, and Monkey with banana bottle. Lyv Arispe, 9
___________________________ Dear, Santa I would like a Nitendo DSi for Christmas and if I get one I would also like some games for it. The kind of games I would like are animal ones or babies or fashion designing ones. Something cool like that. Love,
Kennedy ___________________________ Santa I want cars, choo choo’s, cars and percy. Logan Hendrickson, 2
___________________________ Santa I love you. I want for Christmas a baby doll and doll clothes, Cinderella, ballerina and a Tinkerbell kitchen. Tayla Hendrickson, 4
___________________________ Deer Santa,
I want a new puppy and a DS. I was realy good this yer. Mommy says you use the comptor now thats way easier. I love you Santa. Merry chrismas.
Love, Ariana, 6
___________________________ I like Santa. Can I please have some Barbie Legos with a roller coaster and an American Girl doll and a new stroller. Merry Christmas Santa! Will Rudolph be on the sleigh? Are the elves busy making toys? Love, Sydney Fornwald, 4 1/2 ___________________________ Dear Santa,
How’s everyone at the pole? I would like some games, movies, DS games, pet shops, a desk, and a lot of family time. – Gracie Studier, 9 ___________________________ I want a DS, walking puppy, diapers for my baby, the Memory game, the Dora game, jammies. Is Rudolph on the sleigh? I Love you! Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas! Kallie Studier, 3 ___________________________ Dear Santa,
This year I have been extremely good, so I will ask for a big thing. I want a DSi XL.
I hope you like eggnog because that’s what I will put out, with a cookie, of course. – Solia Birch, 9
___________________________ Dear Santa,
How hard are the elves working? For Christmas I want an art desk, Nintendo DS games, slippers, clothes, pjs, a Taylor Swift CD, a Carrie Underwood CD, and a Miley Cyrus CD. – Aliyah Studier, 6
___________________________ Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer? I want a guitar, a three-story doll house, a doll and “The Princess and the Frog” movie and an Easybake Oven. I love you Santa,
Jaden Schumaker
___________________________ Dear Santa: All that I want for Christmas is a Slinky dog and a new doll. Taylor Nelson, 3
___________________________ Dear Santa,
Arielle would like a doll and stroller for Christmas and also a Pet Pillow. She has been a go girl this year. – Arielle Nelson, 2 ___________________________ Buzz Lightyear
Pillow Pet
Glue on nail set – Ryleigh Nelson, 4
___________________________ Dear Santa, My brother and I have been very good this year. We both want a DS and I want a dentist barbie. We will leave cookies for you again on Christmas Eve. I love you. – Aly Colby, 4

Dear Santa,
We have been the best kids this year. For Christmas I want my Xbox 360 with call of duty. My friend Kyle would also like black ops and modern warfare. And lastly I would like my two front teeth really bad if that’s possible. Love Alex Jalen and my friend Kyle! Goodnight
We have been the best kids this year. For Christmas I want my Xbox 360 with call of duty. My friend Kyle would also like black ops and modern warfare. And lastly I would like my two front teeth really bad if that’s possible. Love Alex Jalen and my friend Kyle! Goodnight