Newspaper needs to put pressure on

Published 10:01 am Friday, January 6, 2012


The newspaper gets a thumbs down for ignoring a news story in this city, namely the reason why one city employee got away with misusing a city credit card while another was prosecuted. Yes, they did say at one time they asked about it after it was found that she would testify, but what have they done since then? Nothing.

If a Tribune reporter or anyone on the Tribune staff kept reporting that the city leaders won’t answer their questions, maybe the pressure would be on, but they’re not. Why is that? Is this not a news story that the citizens here in Albert Lea deserve to know about? Don’t we have any decent reporters here in town?

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Maybe we have to report this to another news entity that might find this interesting and dig into it until an answer is given. Yes, this is a small newspaper, but if there’s a real story out there, someone should be able to find it. After all, isn’t that what a newspaper does, report the facts?


Kathy Diaz

Albert Lea


Editor’s note: Please see our reply in the editorial today.