Understand the reasons for our differences

Published 9:49 am Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Although I’m not a Democrat, I acknowledge I lean left because of my Christian values of compassion, fairness, equality, love and respect. And, I do have trouble understanding today’s Republicans more than Democrats. I’ve noticed many others struggle similarly. Part of the problem is that we don’t hear from the moderate Republicans as much as the extremists. Perhaps we could have a public discussion to help those of us trying to understand Republican rationale? If any Republicans are willing to engage, I’d be thankful.

Why do you ignore global warming?

With both the SNAP program and it’s fraud being such a small part of the budget — 2 percent fraud on 2.1 percent of budget: .04 percent — why do you attack the hungry, taking food stamps away from starving people, 50 percent of them children?

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Why do you criticize Obama for an expanding national debt when he has reversed the accelerating government spending of the previous administration and slowed our deficit by two-thirds, saving the U.S. trillions of dollars?

Why do you work so hard to prevent people from getting medical care coverage while offering minimal to no solutions to the sick and suffering yourselves?

Why do you support the effort to widen the gap between the wealthy and the middle class by giving more money to the super wealthy who have been shown as a group (I know there are some exceptions) to hoard it, at the expense of the middle class, who would instead spend it to improve their lives and stimulate our economy?

Why don’t you celebrate the creation of 14 million jobs over the last seven years?

Why are you against the “well regulated militia” as demanded by our Second Amendment?

Why don’t you want to create jobs through the pursuit of clean energy instead of promoting more fossil fuel usage that is finite and damages our planet?

Why do you seek to cut family planning services known to be the major prevention of the abortions that you say you don’t like?

We’ve lost four American lives due to violence in Benghazi in the last four years and have lost more than 125,000 American lives due to violence in America in the same time period. Why are the 125,000 not worthy of your attention, but you think the four are?

And why are you unwilling to engage in a discussion to address how to save those tens of thousands of American lives shot each year on our streets and in our businesses?

Conversation is essential if we are to understand each other and work together for America. Left, right and Independent, let’s talk to each other. (Not condemn, blame, yell at, put down, exaggerate about, laugh at or call names.) And when you respond to Republican commentary, Dems and Independents, respond with rationale, not with political rhetoric. Let’s remember that everyone has reasons they believe what they believe. Let’s seek to understand what those reasons are.


David Larson

Albert Lea