Letter: It’s irrationality and extremism

Published 6:29 pm Thursday, June 27, 2019

I do not usually comment on politics, but I feel compelled to say that many of the leaders of the Democrat Party are getting more and more irrational and extreme. This is why thousands of people have been walking away from it. If you don’t know what I’m referring to when I mention walking away, go to YouTube and type in “Walk Away Movement.”  Listen to the many testimonials of people who have decided to walk away from the Democrat party because it is not what it used to be.

An example of irrationality and extremism is a recent interview with Democratic senator and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand of New York. Gillibrand has said that if elected as president, she would only nominate judges who consider Roe v. Wade to be settled precedent. (Roe v. Wade was the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.) She said, “I think there are some issues that have such moral clarity that we have as a society decided that the other side is not acceptable. Imagine saying that it’s OK to appoint a judge who’s racist or anti-semitic or homophobic. I don’t think those are political issues anymore.” She continued, “There is no moral equivalency when you come to racism, and I do not believe there’s a moral equivalency when it comes to changing laws that deny women reproductive freedom.”

Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and director of Civil Rights for the Unborn, has called on Kirsten Gillibrand to rescind her statement comparing abortion to racism. King said, “I was shocked and saddened at the recent comments of presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., comparing pro-life advocates to racists. Little babies in the womb, regardless of race, gender or physical or mental disability are people. To defend their right to life is not racism — it is true compassion!” 

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To imply that Martin Luther King’s niece is in the same category as racists simply because she is pro-life is an irrational and extreme argument.  Dr. Alveda King said, “Gillibrand should be ashamed of herself for making such insensitive remarks. She owes an apology to babies, blacks and all pro-lifers — and to God!”

On the issue of abortion, Gillibrand claims such “moral clarity that we have as a society decided that the other side is not acceptable.” Really?  Abortion is not the removal of a woman’s appendix or gallbladder. It’s the killing of a unique and innocent human being. Defending the defenseless is a position that’s worth standing up for. To me, and to many others, that’s the position of moral clarity.

Kent Otterman
