Letter: Babies deserve all guarantees of life
Published 2:13 pm Thursday, March 19, 2020
As a proud mother of six children, plus one foster child and two foreign exchange students from South America and Mexico whom I consider family, I am tired of reading the hate mail Wayne Thorson has submitted. He writes that Republicans sell their souls to the devil.
I must say that Republicans do not sell their souls to the devil. Yes, Mr. Thorson, we very much remember what we were taught in Sunday School. The Sixth Commandment is “thou shalt not kill.”
Every single Democrat in the Senate, except three, voted in favor of killing babies after they are born. Students for life (www.studentsforlife.org) shows how young people see ultrasounds of what the baby looks like in the womb, sucking his/her thumb, and of course a baby’s heart starts beating within 18 days after conception. Once young people can see the baby that abortion is killing, it really changes their hearts and minds.
Young people today who are survivors of abortion realize abortion has killed one-third of their generation. My son, born in 1973, the year Roe v. Wade was passed, thanks me for giving him life and loving him.
The law now states if a baby is born alive, it cannot leave the abortion room. When a baby is born, by any means, that baby deserves all the guarantees of life and care that would be afforded to any human being. The fact that a baby was previously targeted for abortion does not qualify the child from personhood in the full range of human rights guaranteed to all Americans under the United States Constitution. Yet, still the bill languishes — because of Nancy Pelosi’s stubborn commitment for death to babies.
If a woman is walking to the abortion clinic and dies by being struck and killed by an automobile, the driver is sentenced to double manslaughter. Does this make sense?
Planned Parenthood performs more than 320,000 abortions per year at their 548 facilities nationwide and charges $450 on average to kill their babies. This produces about $147,000 revenue per year for Planned Parenthood. In addition, Planned Parenthood receives nearly $550 million per year from taxpayers. Planned Parenthood’s annual budget is $1.2 billion — so almost one half of Planned Parenthood’s funding comes from taxpayers.
I believe abortion is wrong but should be permitted in rare circumstances of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. I’d rather see the mother see a doctor for medical decisions. This is no longer the party of John F. Kennedy, who was religious and strongly pro-life.
Republicans believe in improved quality of care; we should leave the choice of treatment to the doctor and informed patient, not government regulation.
My president is Donald Trump because he supports Judeo-Christian principles as was established by the Constitution of the United States.
Mavis Jacobs
Albert Lea