Sarah Stultz: Minnesota this week reminds me of Florida

Published 8:45 pm Tuesday, August 22, 2023

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Nose for News by Sarah Stultz

As I sit here and write this, all I can think about is how I need to get a fan.

You see, the heat and I don’t get along, and my office at work tends to be one of the hottest rooms in the building.

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My co-workers can attest to this and how as you walk further and further away from my office, it gets cooler and cooler in the building. I just have to keep telling myself that there’s hopefully only a few more days of this before things level off a little more.

And then my mind thinks about the middle of winter, and I have an internal battle in my mind about whether I’d rather have extreme heat or extreme cold.

This week’s excessive heat has reminded me of when we took a trip to Florida a couple years ago in July.

Excited to go to Disney World and Universal Studios for a few days — and having never been there before — we weren’t quite prepared for the extreme heat we were greeted with when we arrived.

We got to Orlando in the late evening, and when we walked outside, it felt like Minnesota on one if its hottest days in the summer at the height of the day.

The thought crossed my mind, “What’s it going to be like in the middle of the afternoon?”

The next morning we went to Disney World and left the hotel pretty early in the morning to get to the theme park.

As soon as we walked out of the hotel, we received a slap in the face of heat — and boy was it hot, and it was probably only 9 a.m.

Typically here in Minnesota, we work our way up to the hottest part of the day, and the mornings are cooler and more tolerable. When we were there, however, it didn’t seem to matter what time of day it was — whether it was early in the morning, the middle of the day or late at night — it was hot.

We walked around for a few hours in that heat at Disney, taking advantage of some indoor rides when we could, but the heat got the best of us, and before long we were all a little crabby. We ultimately called it quits a little sooner than we might have originally planned and retreated back to the air conditioning and the pool.

Let’s just say I would never recommend going to Disney in July again, though I would consider going back in March or April.

The heat isn’t my cup of tea, but as I’ve driven around town this week while running to appointments, I’ve been surprised to see the amount of people still out and about. I’m one to hibernate when it gets like this, but others enjoy it.

Just a reminder to those who are out in the heat to be careful and stay hydrated!

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Wednesday.