Letter: Restrooms at splash pad: A sign of success

Published 8:30 pm Friday, January 5, 2024

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In a recent editorial on the city’s proposal for public restrooms at the splash pad downtown, the Tribune posed the question on what has changed since the splash pad opened in 2017 and the city denied a request for nearby restrooms due to vandalism concerns. It’s a valid question, and we appreciate the opportunity to answer it.

In short, much has changed, thanks to the efforts of many people and partners, including those who raised the money to build the splash pad. The splash pad has definitely succeeded in becoming a popular attraction.

At the same time, we have many more events downtown that continue to grow in popularity, including the Thursdays on Fountain concert series in the summer. Our downtown is on the upswing with more than 48 events a year plus the farmers market twice a week from spring through fall.

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With a reliance on outdoor spaces after COVID shutdowns, new management and three new city council members, changes should be expected. I do not subscribe to the idea we should pass on having great things in our community because it is not perfect. That creates a wait never fulfilled and a loss to our community.

Representatives of the Parks, Recreation and Police departments met last year to discuss ways to mitigate vandalism of city amenities without closing off services and facilities. As a result, we are experimenting with different ideas and technological advancements at different locations to mitigate vandalism.

Note the word “mitigate” because eliminating vandalism is impossible no matter what community you live in.

Please keep taking an interest in the city’s proposal to sustain our recreational facilities for current and future generations. Share your thoughts with your city councilor; you can find their email addresses and phone numbers at https://cityofalbertlea.org/council/. If the council votes to pursue public restrooms at the splash pad, be part of the planning as the city considers security measures, size of building and other parameters.

In closing, please join the city in not letting a few bad actors ruin great amenities — and opportunities — for our community. The vast majority of our residents enjoy our parks, ballfields, pool and so much more in a responsible way. Let’s keep working to make our Albert Lea inviting, welcoming, convenient and fun.


Ian Rigg
Albert Lea city manager