Letter: Sick and Safe Time law will benefit part-time workers

Published 8:30 pm Friday, January 26, 2024

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I am writing this letter in response to Brad Kramer’s My Point of View column, which was in the Jan. 17 issue of the Albert Lea Tribune. He writes about all the defects of the new Sick and Safe Time law that just went into effect. Every thing he said is more than likely true, but from my standpoint this new law will greatly benefit people like me who work two jobs but do not get a paid vacation from our part-time jobs. I have worked part-time at Mrs. Gerry’s Kitchen for over 25 years now and have never had a paid vacation. Since I am a part-time worker only working four hours a day, I and my fellow part-time workers are not entitled to a paid vacation. So you can see why this new law will benefit people like me.

Rod Anderson
Albert Lea

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