Happy trails to loons and pinheads

Published 9:36 am Monday, June 30, 2014

I remember back in the days when I rode the range with Roy, Hoppy and Gene. We always got the bad guys. I guess I am the only one left of the biggies. I will continue with my mission that I learned from my saddle buddies. I won’t let those far-right pinheads get away with their tricks.

I know those far-right Fox News addicted Tea Party loons will say and do anything to try and make Obama look bad. I don’t know what they are worried about. He can’t run for president again. They must be worried that Michelle Obama will run. That would be a good team, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.

That Republican Congress is upset with President Barack Obama for going over its head.  Well, what was the man supposed to do when you got a do-nothing Congress? I don’t know what those Republicans are going to run on in the next election. I don’t understand why anyone would vote for them. This country would have been in such good shape if they would have worked with Obama. His heart was certainly in the right place.

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I think it is terrible the way they sit back and don’t have any solutions for the problems we have. But as soon as Obama makes a decision to solve the problem, they are right there to find fault with his decision. He’s darned if he does and darned if he doesn’t.

For those of you who have confronted me about calling those far-righters names, I will explain it again. I got it from Bill O’Reilly on Fox News. He is always calling the Democrats far-left loons or far-left pinheads. I know the Republicans think it is cute when he says it, but they get upset if it is used on them. I did explain this in one of my previous letters, but some of you must have missed it. Well, it is time to ride off into the sunset and look for far-right loons or far-right pinheads.


Wayne Thorson  

Albert Lea