Letter to the Editor: Baby Place staff honored to take care of patients

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October is just starting, but the end of October marks a moment in history for Freeborn County and the city of Albert Lea. There will no longer be hospital births to record.

On behalf of those before me and those beside me in the Baby Place, we want to thank all those who entrusted us with their care.

You have gifted us with the very things we love about our careers. You have gifted us with love, laughter, miracles, tears, memories, faith, hope, prayers, compassion, appreciation, education and, most of all, purpose. You are more than patients to us. The moment you walked through the Baby Place doors, you became a part of our lives and a member of our families for a few days. You will forever live in our stories and you will never be forgotten.

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Thank you to every family, every baby, every mom, dad, big brother, big sister, grandparents, friends, aunts, uncles, cousins for sharing in one of the best jobs: family growth and love. We are honored to have met and cared for you.

Lacey Koopal
