Albert Lea Magazine

Health & Fitness: Tips to keep your children active during a pandemic

Even before the pandemic started, many parents struggled to come up with ways to keep their kids active. ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Dietician’s Digest: Seven tips for health during the holiday season

Seven quick tips from your local registered dietitian on maintaining or creating healthy habits during the winter holiday ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Dietician’s Digest: The Mediterranean diet — what is it really all about?

You may have heard of the Mediterranean diet before, and perhaps associate it with eating healthy for your ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Health & Fitness: Balancing overtraining and the need to be active

Overtraining is something that is surprisingly common in avid health nuts. Is running mile after mile through the ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Why I love Albert Lea

When I think of why I love Albert Lea, the first thing that comes to my mind is, ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Dietician’s Digest: Tips for healthy grilling during the summer months

As the seasons change, so do our favorite cooking methods — from slow cookers and soup in the ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Health & Fitness: Exercise, diet are more important now than ever

“The best thing we can do for others is take care of ourselves.” This whole concept seemed selfish to ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Why I love Albert Lea

My family moved to Albert Lea during a cold and snowy January many years ago. Sitting in our ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Health & Fitness: Believing in yourself is first step to start running

Have you ever wanted to run a race, or maybe even just run around our beautiful Fountain Lake, ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Dietician’s Digest: Recipes to enjoy during the upcoming summer months

The following are some recipes to enjoy in the summer provided by Mayo Clinic staff.

Albert Lea Magazine

Health and Fitness: Exercising will actually save you money down the line

One of the more popular reasons we hear of for people not going to a health club is ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Dietitian’s Digest: Follow these tips so you can eat healthy for your kidneys

Popular topics of health and nutrition discussion include eating well for our heart, cancer risk and body weight, ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Why I love Albert Lea

I’ll be honest with you. Growing up, I didn’t think Albert Lea was anything special. I specifically remember ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Dietician’s Digest: A new year, a new you: 5 habits to keep this year

It’s likely that you’ve already created a mental list of the traits or habits you’d like to eliminate ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Health & Fitness: How to conquer the “there’s no time” to exercise myth

We’ve all heard the saying: If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way; if you don’t ...

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