Latest Things I Tell My Wife


Al Batt: You can look at an eagle for a long time

“Which is better, one or two?”  I wasn’t a jam judge at the county fair. I was having an ...


Al Batt: There’s no day like a snow day like no day I know

The weather outside was frightful, but getting out of school would be delightful. I’d done my homework, repeating “Please” ...


Matt Knutson: Take time to stand up for that which is right

“Nearly five years later and you’re finally a citizen,” I told my wife as we walked out of ...


Matt Knutson: There is a season for everything in life

“I think it is time to wrap up my weekly column,” I told my wife at the end ...


Matt Knutson: You can’t win if you don’t play the game

“You’re one of the luckiest people I know,” I texted my wife after she shared her latest winnings ...


Matt Knutson: A final hurdle to become a United States citizen

“What is the ‘rule of law’?” I asked my wife as we studied for her upcoming civics test. ...


Matt Knutson: Be intentional about learning from each other

“I’ll show you how to make ramen,” I told my wife after she conceded that she preferred my ...


Matt Knutson: Wonder doesn’t have to be limited to babies

“I wonder when I stopped doing new things,” I told my wife after pondering our youngest daughter’s latest ...


Matt Knutson: Honor the mother figures in your own life

“Did you know that Mother’s Day was started by a woman who was never a mother?” I asked ...


Matt Knutson: Take time to celebrate what really matters

“I don’t think she’ll actually drop any of the flowers,” I shouted to my wife from the other ...


Matt Knutson: Take time to indulge in the season of growth

“I never knew our neighborhood had so many people,” I told my wife as we enjoyed an evening ...


Matt Knutson: Mosquitoes, snow and learning lessons

“Where did she learn about mosquitoes?” I asked my wife following a comment made by our eldest daughter. ...


Matt Knutson: Sunny weather, a clean house worth the wait

“Have you seen spring?” I asked my wife after learning snow was potential in the forecast again this ...


Matt Knutson: Crazy times often lead to the best memories

“I think this is one of those ‘what were we thinking?’ kind of days,” I told my wife ...


Matt Knutson: When in a rough spot, look for instructions

“I don’t get what the big deal is,” I told my wife after she picked up our daughters ...

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