
Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

What deserved a thumbs up or down this week?


Editorial Roundup: State must get serious about nitrate pollution

Federal officials this month put Minnesota agencies on notice that they have not done enough to prevent nitrates ...


Editorial Roundup: Health care: Rising costs show need for competition

There’s bad news and worse news when it comes to health care costs in Minnesota. Per capita costs ...


Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

To the Albert Lea Youth Baseball Association. Hats off to the Albert Lea Youth Baseball Association, which donated ...


Editorial Roundup: Court ruling another threat to democracy

The old adage about America’s legal system has often been “Anyone can sue anyone.” But three federal judges ...


Editorial Roundup: Buyer beware on ‘health care sharing ministries’

Open enrollment is the window of time at the year’s end when consumers make a critical health care ...


Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

What deserved a thumbs up or down this week?


Editorial Roundup: State’s water quality improvements a good sign

A recent report by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency showed some improvement in regional and state water quality. ...


Editorial Roundup: Mail delivery: Congress must fix postal service

The U.S. Postal Service continues to struggle to get mail delivered in a timely manner after nearly five ...


Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

What deserved a thumbs up or down this week?


Editorial Roundup: New state flag designs go past the frivolous

Most state flags are objectively bad. Flags are intended to be seen from a distance and should be ...


Editorial Roundup: Interference warranted to tackle contamination

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s decision that Minnesota needs to do more to make water safer in the ...


Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

What deserved a thumbs up or down this week?


Editorial Roundup: Make this the last ever clock change we have

Many people are still adjusting to the change of shifting clocks back one hour on Sunday morning and ...


Editorial Roundup: Thank a vet any day — not only on Veterans Day

Veterans Day is Saturday, and this year because of where the holiday lies on the calendar, most people ...

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