Lindsey Ladwig swings under the guidance of coach Dacia Bottleson July 24 as part of a game in the Glenville-Emmons Tee-Ball League for children going into kindergarten and first grade. — Provided
Benett Grove, left, high-fives coach Dacia Bottleson on July 24 after a game in the Glenville-Emmons Tee-Ball League. — Provided
Alicia Bernau runs to first base as Malakai Olson grabs the ball and Ashton Thompson covers first base on July 24 during a game in the Glenville-Emmons Tee-Ball League. — Provided
Malakai Olson, left, and Claire Bottleson run to field a grounder on July 24 during a game in the Glenville-Emmons Tee-Ball League. — Provided
Benett Grove runs to first base as as Ashton Thompson attempts to field the ball on July 24 during a game in the Glenville-Emmons Tee-Ball League. — Provided