Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Why I love Albert Lea

When I was asked to share my love for Albert Lea, I thought — absolutely!

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Why I love Albert Lea?

Why do I love Albert Lea?

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Colmn: CBD oil for dogs —it can have life-saving benefits

Over the past two years I have seen the use of CBD become the hottest herb in the ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: All strength training is not created the same

Strength training, as you know, is an important part of a well-balanced fitness regime.

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: A connection between screen time and weight?

With the winter season upon us, the dark hours and cold weather often make us want to retreat ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Why I love Albert Lea?

Before I moved to Albert Lea, I didn’t know how lovely it is. When I moved to town, ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: A healthy lifestyle is not in aiming for perfection

Leading a healthy lifestyle can be challenging during the cold, winter months.

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Finding balance through the chaos of everyday life

I love intense workouts. They get the blood pumping, sweat pouring and a sense of achievement at the ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Rawhides may be more harmful than you think

As pet owners, we strive to keep our pets healthy; we feed them a high-quality food, exercise them ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Small changes make a difference in men’s health

Nutrition for most adults is relatively simple; eat a variety of foods, keep your plate colorful, practice moderation ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Why I love Albert Lea

Early influences last a lifetime as lessons learned, and as a 10-year-old paperboy I learned to love Albert ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Guest Column: Pet obesity is on the rise

By Michelle Nelson Michelle Nelson is the owner of The Pet Authority in Albert Lea. Obesity is no ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Column: Tips to maximize your weight-lifting results

This Albert Lea magazine edition is dedicated to men, and for the men who enter through our fitness ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Why I love Albert Lea

When asked if I would write an article as to why I love Albert Lea, I immediately said ...

Albert Lea Magazine

Sodium — it’s in more than just the salt shaker

Many of us know we should limit our sodium intake to help improve heart health.

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